


A JupyterHub authenticator class for use with Azure AD as an identity provider.

class oauthenticator.azuread.AzureAdOAuthenticator(**kwargs: Any)#
admin_groups c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.admin_groups = Set()#

Allow members of selected groups to sign in and consider them as JupyterHub admins.

If this is set and a user isn’t part of one of these groups or listed in admin_users, a user signing in will have their admin status revoked.

Requires manage_groups to also be True.

Added in version 17: Previously available only on GenericOAuthenticator

admin_users c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.admin_users = Set()#

Set of users that will be granted admin rights on this JupyterHub.


As of JupyterHub 2.0, full admin rights should not be required, and more precise permissions can be managed via roles.


Adding users to admin_users can only grant admin rights, removing a username from the admin_users set DOES NOT remove admin rights previously granted.

For an authoritative, restricted set of admins, assign explicit membership of the admin role:

c.JupyterHub.load_roles = [
        "name": "admin",
        "users": ["admin1", "..."],

Admin users can take every possible action on behalf of all users, for example:

  • Use the admin panel to see list of users logged in

  • Add / remove users in some authenticators

  • Restart / halt the hub

  • Start / stop users’ single-user servers

  • Can access each individual users’ single-user server

Admin access should be treated the same way root access is.

Defaults to an empty set, in which case no user has admin access.

allow_all c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.allow_all = Bool(False)#

Allow all authenticated users to login.

Overrides all other allow configuration.

Added in version 16.0.

allow_existing_users c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.allow_existing_users = Bool(False)#

Allow existing users to login.

Enable this if you want to manage user access via the JupyterHub admin page (/hub/admin).

With this enabled, all users present in the JupyterHub database are allowed to login. This has the effect of any user who has _previously_ been allowed to login via any means will continue to be allowed until the user is deleted via the /hub/admin page or REST API.


Before enabling this you should review the existing users in the JupyterHub admin panel at /hub/admin. You may find users existing there because they have previously been declared in config such as allowed_users or allowed to sign in.


When this is enabled and you wish to remove access for one or more users previously allowed, you must make sure that they are removed from the jupyterhub database. This can be tricky to do if you stop allowing a group of externally managed users for example.

With this enabled, JupyterHub admin users can visit /hub/admin or use JupyterHub’s REST API to add and remove users to manage who can login.

Added in version 16.0.

Changed in version 16.0: Before this config was available, the default behavior was to allow existing users if allowed_users was configured with one or more user.

allowed_groups c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.allowed_groups = Set()#

Allow members of selected JupyterHub groups to log in.

Requires manage_groups to also be True. Typically also requires auth_state_groups_key to be configured to populate the JupyterHub groups.

This option is independent of other configuration such as GitLabOAuthenticator.allowed_gitlab_groups, which do not populate the JupyterHub groups, and do not require manage_groups to be True.

Added in version 17: Previously available only on GenericOAuthenticator

allowed_scopes c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.allowed_scopes = List()#

Allow users who have been granted all these scopes to log in.

We request all the scopes listed in the ‘scope’ config, but only a subset of these may be granted by the authorization server. This may happen if the user does not have permissions to access a requested scope, or has chosen to not give consent for a particular scope. If the scopes listed in this config are not granted, the user will not be allowed to log in.

The granted scopes will be part of the access token (fetched from self.token_url). See https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6749#section-3.3 for more information.

See the OAuth documentation of your OAuth provider for various options.

allowed_users c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.allowed_users = Set()#

Set of usernames that should be allowed to login.

If unspecified, grants no access. You must set at least one other allow configuration if any users are to have permission to access the Hub.

Any usernames in admin_users will also be allowed to login.

any_allow_config c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.any_allow_config = Bool(False)#

Is there any allow config?

Used to show a warning if it looks like nobody can access the Hub, which can happen when upgrading to JupyterHub 5, now that allow_all defaults to False.

Deployments can set this explicitly to True to suppress the “No allow config found” warning.

Will be True if any config tagged with .tag(allow_config=True) or starts with allow is truthy.

Added in version 5.0.

auth_refresh_age c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.auth_refresh_age = Int(300)#

The max age (in seconds) of authentication info before forcing a refresh of user auth info.

Refreshing auth info allows, e.g. requesting/re-validating auth tokens.

See refresh_user() for what happens when user auth info is refreshed (nothing by default).

auth_state_groups_key c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.auth_state_groups_key = Union()#

Determine groups this user belongs based on contents of auth_state.

Can be a string key name (use periods for nested keys), or a callable that accepts the auth state (as a dict) and returns the groups list. Callables may be async.

Requires manage_groups to also be True.

Added in version 17.0: Previously available as GenericOAuthenticator.claim_groups_key

authorize_url c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.authorize_url = Unicode('')#

The URL to where the user is to be redirected initially based on the OAuth2 protocol. The user will be redirected back with an authorization grant code after authenticating successfully with the identity provider.

For more context, see the Protocol Flow section in the OAuth2 standard document, specifically steps A-B.

auto_login c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.auto_login = Bool(False)#

Automatically begin the login process

rather than starting with a “Login with…” link at /hub/login

To work, .login_url() must give a URL other than the default /hub/login, such as an oauth handler or another automatic login handler, registered with .get_handlers().

Added in version 0.8.

auto_login_oauth2_authorize c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.auto_login_oauth2_authorize = Bool(False)#

Automatically begin login process for OAuth2 authorization requests

When another application is using JupyterHub as OAuth2 provider, it sends users to /hub/api/oauth2/authorize. If the user isn’t logged in already, and auto_login is not set, the user will be dumped on the hub’s home page, without any context on what to do next.

Setting this to true will automatically redirect users to login if they aren’t logged in only on the /hub/api/oauth2/authorize endpoint.

Added in version 1.5.

basic_auth c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.basic_auth = Bool(False)#

Whether or to use HTTP Basic authentication instead of form based authentication in requests to token_url.

When using HTTP Basic authentication, a HTTP header is set with the client_id and client_secret encoded in it.

When using form based authentication, the client_id and client_secret is put in the HTTP POST request’s body.

Changed in version 16.0.0: This configuration now toggles between HTTP Basic authentication and form based authentication when working against the token_url.

Previously when this was configured True, both would be used contrary to a recommendation in OAuth 2.0 documentation.

Changed in version 16.0.2: The default value for this configuration for GenericOAuthenticator changed from True to False.

blocked_users c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.blocked_users = Set()#

Set of usernames that are not allowed to log in.

Use this with supported authenticators to restrict which users can not log in. This is an additional block list that further restricts users, beyond whatever restrictions the authenticator has in place.

If empty, does not perform any additional restriction.

Changed in version 5.2: Users blocked via blocked_users that may have logged in in the past have all permissions and group membership revoked and all servers stopped at JupyterHub startup. Previously, User permissions (e.g. API tokens) and servers were unaffected and required additional administrator operations to block after a user is added to blocked_users.

Changed in version 1.2: Authenticator.blacklist renamed to blocked_users

client_id c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.client_id = Unicode('')#

The client id of the OAuth2 application registered with the identity provider.

client_secret c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.client_secret = Unicode('')#

The client secret of the OAuth2 application registered with the identity provider.

custom_403_message c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.custom_403_message = Unicode('Sorry, you are not currently authorized to use this hub. Please contact the hub administrator.')#

The message to be shown when user was not allowed

delete_invalid_users c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.delete_invalid_users = Bool(False)#

Delete any users from the database that do not pass validation

When JupyterHub starts, .add_user will be called on each user in the database to verify that all users are still valid.

If delete_invalid_users is True, any users that do not pass validation will be deleted from the database. Use this if users might be deleted from an external system, such as local user accounts.

If False (default), invalid users remain in the Hub’s database and a warning will be issued. This is the default to avoid data loss due to config changes.

enable_auth_state c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.enable_auth_state = Bool(False)#

Enable persisting auth_state (if available).

auth_state will be encrypted and stored in the Hub’s database. This can include things like authentication tokens, etc. to be passed to Spawners as environment variables.

Encrypting auth_state requires the cryptography package.

Additionally, the JUPYTERHUB_CRYPT_KEY environment variable must contain one (or more, separated by ;) 32B encryption keys. These can be either base64 or hex-encoded.

If encryption is unavailable, auth_state cannot be persisted.

New in JupyterHub 0.8

enable_pkce c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.enable_pkce = Bool(True)#

Enable Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) for the OAuth2 authorization code flow. For more information, see RFC 7636.

PKCE can be used even if the authorization server does not support it. According to section 3.1 of RFC 6749:

The authorization server MUST ignore unrecognized request parameters.

Additionally, section 5 of RFC 7636 states:

As the OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749] server responses are unchanged by this specification, client implementations of this specification do not need to know if the server has implemented this specification or not and SHOULD send the additional parameters as defined in Section 4 to all servers.

Note that S256 is the only code challenge method supported. As per section 4.2 of RFC 6749:

If the client is capable of using “S256”, it MUST use “S256”, as “S256” is Mandatory To Implement (MTI) on the server.

extra_authorize_params c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.extra_authorize_params = Dict()#

Extra GET params to send along with the initial OAuth request to the OAuth provider.

http_request_kwargs c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.http_request_kwargs = Dict()#

Extra default kwargs passed to all HTTPRequests.

# Example: send requests through a proxy
c.OAuthenticator.http_request_kwargs = {
    "proxy_host": "proxy.example.com",
    "proxy_port": 8080,

# Example: validate against certain root certificates
c.OAuthenticator.http_request_kwargs = {
    "ca_certs": "/path/to/a.crt",

See tornado.httpclient.HTTPRequest for all kwargs options you can pass. Note that the HTTP client making these requests is tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient.

login_service c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.login_service = Unicode('OAuth 2.0')#

Name of the login service or identity provider that this authenticator is using to authenticate users.

This config influences the text on a button shown to unauthenticated users before they click it to login, assuming auto_login isn’t configured True.

The login button’s text will be “Login with <login_service>”.

logout_redirect_url c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.logout_redirect_url = Unicode('')#

When configured, users are not presented with the JupyterHub logout page, but instead redirected to this destination.

manage_groups c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.manage_groups = Bool(False)#

Let authenticator manage user groups

If True, Authenticator.authenticate and/or .refresh_user may return a list of group names in the ‘groups’ field, which will be assigned to the user.

All group-assignment APIs are disabled if this is True.

manage_roles c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.manage_roles = Bool(False)#

Let authenticator manage roles

If True, Authenticator.authenticate and/or .refresh_user may return a list of roles in the ‘roles’ field, which will be added to the database.

When enabled, all role management will be handled by the authenticator; in particular, assignment of roles via JupyterHub.load_roles traitlet will not be possible.

Added in version 5.0.

modify_auth_state_hook c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.modify_auth_state_hook = Callable(None)#

Callable to modify auth_state

Will be called with the Authenticator instance and the existing auth_state dictionary and must return the new auth_state dictionary:

auth_state = [await] modify_auth_state_hook(authenticator, auth_state)

This hook is called before populating group membership, so can be used to make additional requests to populate additional fields which may then be consumed by auth_state_groups_key to populate groups.

This hook may be async.

oauth_callback_url c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.oauth_callback_url = Unicode('')#

Callback URL to use.

When registering an OAuth2 application with an identity provider, this is typically called the redirect url.

Should very likely be set to https://[your-domain]/hub/oauth_callback.

otp_prompt c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.otp_prompt = Any('OTP:')#

The prompt string for the extra OTP (One Time Password) field.

Added in version 5.0.

post_auth_hook c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.post_auth_hook = Any(None)#

An optional hook function that you can implement to do some bootstrapping work during authentication. For example, loading user account details from an external system.

This function is called after the user has passed all authentication checks and is ready to successfully authenticate. This function must return the auth_model dict reguardless of changes to it. The hook is called with 3 positional arguments: (authenticator, handler, auth_model).

This may be a coroutine.


import os
import pwd
def my_hook(authenticator, handler, auth_model):
    user_data = pwd.getpwnam(auth_model['name'])
    spawn_data = {
        'pw_data': user_data
        'gid_list': os.getgrouplist(auth_model['name'], user_data.pw_gid)

    if auth_model['auth_state'] is None:
        auth_model['auth_state'] = {}
    auth_model['auth_state']['spawn_data'] = spawn_data

    return auth_model

c.Authenticator.post_auth_hook = my_hook
refresh_pre_spawn c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.refresh_pre_spawn = Bool(False)#

Force refresh of auth prior to spawn.

This forces refresh_user() to be called prior to launching a server, to ensure that auth state is up-to-date.

This can be important when e.g. auth tokens that may have expired are passed to the spawner via environment variables from auth_state.

If refresh_user cannot refresh the user auth data, launch will fail until the user logs in again.

refresh_user_hook c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.refresh_user_hook = Callable(None)#

Hook for refreshing user auth info.

If given, allows overriding the refresh_user behavior. Will be called as:

refreshed = await refresh_user_hook(authenticator, user, auth_state)

refresh_user_hook _may_ be async.

where refreshed can be:

  • True (no change)

  • False (require new login)

  • auth_model (dict - the new auth model, if anything should be changeed)

  • None (proceed with default refresh_user behavior - allows overriding refresh_user behavior for _some_ users)

Added in version 17.3.

request_otp c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.request_otp = Bool(False)#

Prompt for OTP (One Time Password) in the login form.

Added in version 5.0.

reset_managed_roles_on_startup c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.reset_managed_roles_on_startup = Bool(False)#

Reset managed roles to result of load_managed_roles() on startup.

If True:
  • stale managed roles will be removed,

  • stale assignments to managed roles will be removed.

Any role not present in load_managed_roles() will be considered ‘stale’.

The ‘stale’ status for role assignments is also determined from load_managed_roles() result:

  • user role assignments status will depend on whether the users key is defined or not:

    • if a list is defined under the users key and the user is not listed, then the user role assignment will be considered ‘stale’,

    • if the users key is not provided, the user role assignment will be preserved;

  • service and group role assignments will be considered ‘stale’:

    • if not included in the services and groups list,

    • if the services and groups keys are not provided.

Added in version 5.0.

scope c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.scope = List()#

The OAuth scopes to request.

See the OAuth documentation of your OAuth provider for options.

tenant_id c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.tenant_id = Unicode('')#

An Azure tenant ID for which an OAuth application is registered via client_id and client_secret.

This is used to set the default values of authorize_url and token_url.

token_params c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.token_params = Dict()#

Extra parameters for first POST request exchanging the OAuth code for an Access Token

async token_to_user(token_info)#

Determines who the logged-in user by sending a “GET” request to userdata_url using the access_token.

If userdata_from_id_token is set then extracts the corresponding info from an id_token instead.


token_info – the dictionary returned by the token request (exchanging the OAuth code for an Access Token)


the JSON response to the userdata_url request.

Called by authenticate() and refresh_user().

token_url c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.token_url = Unicode('')#

The URL to where this authenticator makes a request to acquire an access token based on the authorization code received by the user returning from the authorize_url.

For more context, see the Protocol Flow section in the OAuth2 standard document, specifically steps C-D.

user_groups_claim c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.user_groups_claim = Unicode('')#

Deprecated since version 17.0: Use auth_state_groups_key instead.

userdata_from_id_token c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.userdata_from_id_token = Bool(False)#

Extract user details from an id token received via a request to token_url, rather than making a follow-up request to the userinfo endpoint userdata_url.

Should only be used if token_url uses HTTPS, to ensure token authenticity.

For more context, see Authentication using the Authorization Code Flow in the OIDC Core standard document.

userdata_params c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.userdata_params = Dict()#

Userdata params to get user data login information.

userdata_token_method c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.userdata_token_method = Unicode('header')#

Method for sending access token in userdata request.

Supported methods: header, url.

userdata_url c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.userdata_url = Unicode('')#

The URL to where this authenticator makes a request to acquire user details with an access token received via a request to the token_url.

For more context, see the Protocol Flow section in the OAuth2 standard document, specifically steps E-F.

Incompatible with userdata_from_id_token.

username_claim c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.username_claim = Union()#

When userdata_url returns a json response, the username will be taken from this key.

Can be a string key name or a callable that accepts the returned userdata json (as a dict) and returns the username. The callable is useful e.g. for extracting the username from a nested object in the response or doing other post processing.

What keys are available will depend on the scopes requested and the authenticator used.

username_map c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.username_map = Dict()#

Dictionary mapping authenticator usernames to JupyterHub users.

Primarily used to normalize OAuth user names to local users.

username_pattern c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.username_pattern = Unicode('')#

Regular expression pattern that all valid usernames must match.

If a username does not match the pattern specified here, authentication will not be attempted.

If not set, allow any username.

validate_server_cert c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.validate_server_cert = Bool(False)#

Determines if certificates are validated.

Only set this to False if you feel confident it will not be a security concern.

whitelist c.AzureAdOAuthenticator.whitelist = Set()#

Deprecated, use Authenticator.allowed_users

class oauthenticator.azuread.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator(**kwargs: Any)#

A version that mixes in local system user creation

add_user_cmd c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.add_user_cmd = Command()#

The command to use for creating users as a list of strings

For each element in the list, the string USERNAME will be replaced with the user’s username. The username will also be appended as the final argument.

For Linux, the default value is:

[‘adduser’, ‘-q’, ‘–gecos’, ‘””’, ‘–disabled-password’]

To specify a custom home directory, set this to:

[‘adduser’, ‘-q’, ‘–gecos’, ‘””’, ‘–home’, ‘/customhome/USERNAME’, ‘–disabled-password’]

This will run the command:

adduser -q –gecos “” –home /customhome/river –disabled-password river

when the user ‘river’ is created.

admin_groups c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.admin_groups = Set()#

Allow members of selected groups to sign in and consider them as JupyterHub admins.

If this is set and a user isn’t part of one of these groups or listed in admin_users, a user signing in will have their admin status revoked.

Requires manage_groups to also be True.

Added in version 17: Previously available only on GenericOAuthenticator

admin_users c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.admin_users = Set()#

Set of users that will be granted admin rights on this JupyterHub.


As of JupyterHub 2.0, full admin rights should not be required, and more precise permissions can be managed via roles.


Adding users to admin_users can only grant admin rights, removing a username from the admin_users set DOES NOT remove admin rights previously granted.

For an authoritative, restricted set of admins, assign explicit membership of the admin role:

c.JupyterHub.load_roles = [
        "name": "admin",
        "users": ["admin1", "..."],

Admin users can take every possible action on behalf of all users, for example:

  • Use the admin panel to see list of users logged in

  • Add / remove users in some authenticators

  • Restart / halt the hub

  • Start / stop users’ single-user servers

  • Can access each individual users’ single-user server

Admin access should be treated the same way root access is.

Defaults to an empty set, in which case no user has admin access.

allow_all c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.allow_all = Bool(False)#

Allow all authenticated users to login.

Overrides all other allow configuration.

Added in version 16.0.

allow_existing_users c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.allow_existing_users = Bool(False)#

Allow existing users to login.

Enable this if you want to manage user access via the JupyterHub admin page (/hub/admin).

With this enabled, all users present in the JupyterHub database are allowed to login. This has the effect of any user who has _previously_ been allowed to login via any means will continue to be allowed until the user is deleted via the /hub/admin page or REST API.


Before enabling this you should review the existing users in the JupyterHub admin panel at /hub/admin. You may find users existing there because they have previously been declared in config such as allowed_users or allowed to sign in.


When this is enabled and you wish to remove access for one or more users previously allowed, you must make sure that they are removed from the jupyterhub database. This can be tricky to do if you stop allowing a group of externally managed users for example.

With this enabled, JupyterHub admin users can visit /hub/admin or use JupyterHub’s REST API to add and remove users to manage who can login.

Added in version 16.0.

Changed in version 16.0: Before this config was available, the default behavior was to allow existing users if allowed_users was configured with one or more user.

allowed_groups c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.allowed_groups = Set()#

Allow login from all users in these UNIX groups.

Changed in version 5.0: allowed_groups may be specified together with allowed_users, to grant access by group OR name.

allowed_scopes c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.allowed_scopes = List()#

Allow users who have been granted all these scopes to log in.

We request all the scopes listed in the ‘scope’ config, but only a subset of these may be granted by the authorization server. This may happen if the user does not have permissions to access a requested scope, or has chosen to not give consent for a particular scope. If the scopes listed in this config are not granted, the user will not be allowed to log in.

The granted scopes will be part of the access token (fetched from self.token_url). See https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6749#section-3.3 for more information.

See the OAuth documentation of your OAuth provider for various options.

allowed_users c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.allowed_users = Set()#

Set of usernames that should be allowed to login.

If unspecified, grants no access. You must set at least one other allow configuration if any users are to have permission to access the Hub.

Any usernames in admin_users will also be allowed to login.

any_allow_config c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.any_allow_config = Bool(False)#

Is there any allow config?

Used to show a warning if it looks like nobody can access the Hub, which can happen when upgrading to JupyterHub 5, now that allow_all defaults to False.

Deployments can set this explicitly to True to suppress the “No allow config found” warning.

Will be True if any config tagged with .tag(allow_config=True) or starts with allow is truthy.

Added in version 5.0.

auth_refresh_age c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.auth_refresh_age = Int(300)#

The max age (in seconds) of authentication info before forcing a refresh of user auth info.

Refreshing auth info allows, e.g. requesting/re-validating auth tokens.

See refresh_user() for what happens when user auth info is refreshed (nothing by default).

auth_state_groups_key c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.auth_state_groups_key = Union()#

Determine groups this user belongs based on contents of auth_state.

Can be a string key name (use periods for nested keys), or a callable that accepts the auth state (as a dict) and returns the groups list. Callables may be async.

Requires manage_groups to also be True.

Added in version 17.0: Previously available as GenericOAuthenticator.claim_groups_key

authorize_url c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.authorize_url = Unicode('')#

The URL to where the user is to be redirected initially based on the OAuth2 protocol. The user will be redirected back with an authorization grant code after authenticating successfully with the identity provider.

For more context, see the Protocol Flow section in the OAuth2 standard document, specifically steps A-B.

auto_login c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.auto_login = Bool(False)#

Automatically begin the login process

rather than starting with a “Login with…” link at /hub/login

To work, .login_url() must give a URL other than the default /hub/login, such as an oauth handler or another automatic login handler, registered with .get_handlers().

Added in version 0.8.

auto_login_oauth2_authorize c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.auto_login_oauth2_authorize = Bool(False)#

Automatically begin login process for OAuth2 authorization requests

When another application is using JupyterHub as OAuth2 provider, it sends users to /hub/api/oauth2/authorize. If the user isn’t logged in already, and auto_login is not set, the user will be dumped on the hub’s home page, without any context on what to do next.

Setting this to true will automatically redirect users to login if they aren’t logged in only on the /hub/api/oauth2/authorize endpoint.

Added in version 1.5.

basic_auth c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.basic_auth = Bool(False)#

Whether or to use HTTP Basic authentication instead of form based authentication in requests to token_url.

When using HTTP Basic authentication, a HTTP header is set with the client_id and client_secret encoded in it.

When using form based authentication, the client_id and client_secret is put in the HTTP POST request’s body.

Changed in version 16.0.0: This configuration now toggles between HTTP Basic authentication and form based authentication when working against the token_url.

Previously when this was configured True, both would be used contrary to a recommendation in OAuth 2.0 documentation.

Changed in version 16.0.2: The default value for this configuration for GenericOAuthenticator changed from True to False.

blocked_users c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.blocked_users = Set()#

Set of usernames that are not allowed to log in.

Use this with supported authenticators to restrict which users can not log in. This is an additional block list that further restricts users, beyond whatever restrictions the authenticator has in place.

If empty, does not perform any additional restriction.

Changed in version 5.2: Users blocked via blocked_users that may have logged in in the past have all permissions and group membership revoked and all servers stopped at JupyterHub startup. Previously, User permissions (e.g. API tokens) and servers were unaffected and required additional administrator operations to block after a user is added to blocked_users.

Changed in version 1.2: Authenticator.blacklist renamed to blocked_users

client_id c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.client_id = Unicode('')#

The client id of the OAuth2 application registered with the identity provider.

client_secret c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.client_secret = Unicode('')#

The client secret of the OAuth2 application registered with the identity provider.

create_system_users c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.create_system_users = Bool(False)#

If set to True, will attempt to create local system users if they do not exist already.

Supports Linux and BSD variants only.

custom_403_message c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.custom_403_message = Unicode('Sorry, you are not currently authorized to use this hub. Please contact the hub administrator.')#

The message to be shown when user was not allowed

delete_invalid_users c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.delete_invalid_users = Bool(False)#

Delete any users from the database that do not pass validation

When JupyterHub starts, .add_user will be called on each user in the database to verify that all users are still valid.

If delete_invalid_users is True, any users that do not pass validation will be deleted from the database. Use this if users might be deleted from an external system, such as local user accounts.

If False (default), invalid users remain in the Hub’s database and a warning will be issued. This is the default to avoid data loss due to config changes.

enable_auth_state c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.enable_auth_state = Bool(False)#

Enable persisting auth_state (if available).

auth_state will be encrypted and stored in the Hub’s database. This can include things like authentication tokens, etc. to be passed to Spawners as environment variables.

Encrypting auth_state requires the cryptography package.

Additionally, the JUPYTERHUB_CRYPT_KEY environment variable must contain one (or more, separated by ;) 32B encryption keys. These can be either base64 or hex-encoded.

If encryption is unavailable, auth_state cannot be persisted.

New in JupyterHub 0.8

enable_pkce c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.enable_pkce = Bool(True)#

Enable Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) for the OAuth2 authorization code flow. For more information, see RFC 7636.

PKCE can be used even if the authorization server does not support it. According to section 3.1 of RFC 6749:

The authorization server MUST ignore unrecognized request parameters.

Additionally, section 5 of RFC 7636 states:

As the OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749] server responses are unchanged by this specification, client implementations of this specification do not need to know if the server has implemented this specification or not and SHOULD send the additional parameters as defined in Section 4 to all servers.

Note that S256 is the only code challenge method supported. As per section 4.2 of RFC 6749:

If the client is capable of using “S256”, it MUST use “S256”, as “S256” is Mandatory To Implement (MTI) on the server.

extra_authorize_params c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.extra_authorize_params = Dict()#

Extra GET params to send along with the initial OAuth request to the OAuth provider.

group_whitelist c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.group_whitelist = Set()#

DEPRECATED: use allowed_groups

http_request_kwargs c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.http_request_kwargs = Dict()#

Extra default kwargs passed to all HTTPRequests.

# Example: send requests through a proxy
c.OAuthenticator.http_request_kwargs = {
    "proxy_host": "proxy.example.com",
    "proxy_port": 8080,

# Example: validate against certain root certificates
c.OAuthenticator.http_request_kwargs = {
    "ca_certs": "/path/to/a.crt",

See tornado.httpclient.HTTPRequest for all kwargs options you can pass. Note that the HTTP client making these requests is tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient.

login_service c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.login_service = Unicode('OAuth 2.0')#

Name of the login service or identity provider that this authenticator is using to authenticate users.

This config influences the text on a button shown to unauthenticated users before they click it to login, assuming auto_login isn’t configured True.

The login button’s text will be “Login with <login_service>”.

logout_redirect_url c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.logout_redirect_url = Unicode('')#

When configured, users are not presented with the JupyterHub logout page, but instead redirected to this destination.

manage_groups c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.manage_groups = Bool(False)#

Let authenticator manage user groups

If True, Authenticator.authenticate and/or .refresh_user may return a list of group names in the ‘groups’ field, which will be assigned to the user.

All group-assignment APIs are disabled if this is True.

manage_roles c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.manage_roles = Bool(False)#

Let authenticator manage roles

If True, Authenticator.authenticate and/or .refresh_user may return a list of roles in the ‘roles’ field, which will be added to the database.

When enabled, all role management will be handled by the authenticator; in particular, assignment of roles via JupyterHub.load_roles traitlet will not be possible.

Added in version 5.0.

modify_auth_state_hook c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.modify_auth_state_hook = Callable(None)#

Callable to modify auth_state

Will be called with the Authenticator instance and the existing auth_state dictionary and must return the new auth_state dictionary:

auth_state = [await] modify_auth_state_hook(authenticator, auth_state)

This hook is called before populating group membership, so can be used to make additional requests to populate additional fields which may then be consumed by auth_state_groups_key to populate groups.

This hook may be async.

oauth_callback_url c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.oauth_callback_url = Unicode('')#

Callback URL to use.

When registering an OAuth2 application with an identity provider, this is typically called the redirect url.

Should very likely be set to https://[your-domain]/hub/oauth_callback.

otp_prompt c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.otp_prompt = Any('OTP:')#

The prompt string for the extra OTP (One Time Password) field.

Added in version 5.0.

post_auth_hook c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.post_auth_hook = Any(None)#

An optional hook function that you can implement to do some bootstrapping work during authentication. For example, loading user account details from an external system.

This function is called after the user has passed all authentication checks and is ready to successfully authenticate. This function must return the auth_model dict reguardless of changes to it. The hook is called with 3 positional arguments: (authenticator, handler, auth_model).

This may be a coroutine.


import os
import pwd
def my_hook(authenticator, handler, auth_model):
    user_data = pwd.getpwnam(auth_model['name'])
    spawn_data = {
        'pw_data': user_data
        'gid_list': os.getgrouplist(auth_model['name'], user_data.pw_gid)

    if auth_model['auth_state'] is None:
        auth_model['auth_state'] = {}
    auth_model['auth_state']['spawn_data'] = spawn_data

    return auth_model

c.Authenticator.post_auth_hook = my_hook
refresh_pre_spawn c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.refresh_pre_spawn = Bool(False)#

Force refresh of auth prior to spawn.

This forces refresh_user() to be called prior to launching a server, to ensure that auth state is up-to-date.

This can be important when e.g. auth tokens that may have expired are passed to the spawner via environment variables from auth_state.

If refresh_user cannot refresh the user auth data, launch will fail until the user logs in again.

refresh_user_hook c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.refresh_user_hook = Callable(None)#

Hook for refreshing user auth info.

If given, allows overriding the refresh_user behavior. Will be called as:

refreshed = await refresh_user_hook(authenticator, user, auth_state)

refresh_user_hook _may_ be async.

where refreshed can be:

  • True (no change)

  • False (require new login)

  • auth_model (dict - the new auth model, if anything should be changeed)

  • None (proceed with default refresh_user behavior - allows overriding refresh_user behavior for _some_ users)

Added in version 17.3.

request_otp c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.request_otp = Bool(False)#

Prompt for OTP (One Time Password) in the login form.

Added in version 5.0.

reset_managed_roles_on_startup c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.reset_managed_roles_on_startup = Bool(False)#

Reset managed roles to result of load_managed_roles() on startup.

If True:
  • stale managed roles will be removed,

  • stale assignments to managed roles will be removed.

Any role not present in load_managed_roles() will be considered ‘stale’.

The ‘stale’ status for role assignments is also determined from load_managed_roles() result:

  • user role assignments status will depend on whether the users key is defined or not:

    • if a list is defined under the users key and the user is not listed, then the user role assignment will be considered ‘stale’,

    • if the users key is not provided, the user role assignment will be preserved;

  • service and group role assignments will be considered ‘stale’:

    • if not included in the services and groups list,

    • if the services and groups keys are not provided.

Added in version 5.0.

scope c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.scope = List()#

The OAuth scopes to request.

See the OAuth documentation of your OAuth provider for options.

tenant_id c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.tenant_id = Unicode('')#

An Azure tenant ID for which an OAuth application is registered via client_id and client_secret.

This is used to set the default values of authorize_url and token_url.

token_params c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.token_params = Dict()#

Extra parameters for first POST request exchanging the OAuth code for an Access Token

token_url c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.token_url = Unicode('')#

The URL to where this authenticator makes a request to acquire an access token based on the authorization code received by the user returning from the authorize_url.

For more context, see the Protocol Flow section in the OAuth2 standard document, specifically steps C-D.

uids c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.uids = Dict()#

Dictionary of uids to use at user creation time. This helps ensure that users created from the database get the same uid each time they are created in temporary deployments or containers.

user_groups_claim c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.user_groups_claim = Unicode('')#

Deprecated since version 17.0: Use auth_state_groups_key instead.

userdata_from_id_token c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.userdata_from_id_token = Bool(False)#

Extract user details from an id token received via a request to token_url, rather than making a follow-up request to the userinfo endpoint userdata_url.

Should only be used if token_url uses HTTPS, to ensure token authenticity.

For more context, see Authentication using the Authorization Code Flow in the OIDC Core standard document.

userdata_params c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.userdata_params = Dict()#

Userdata params to get user data login information.

userdata_token_method c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.userdata_token_method = Unicode('header')#

Method for sending access token in userdata request.

Supported methods: header, url.

userdata_url c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.userdata_url = Unicode('')#

The URL to where this authenticator makes a request to acquire user details with an access token received via a request to the token_url.

For more context, see the Protocol Flow section in the OAuth2 standard document, specifically steps E-F.

Incompatible with userdata_from_id_token.

username_claim c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.username_claim = Union()#

When userdata_url returns a json response, the username will be taken from this key.

Can be a string key name or a callable that accepts the returned userdata json (as a dict) and returns the username. The callable is useful e.g. for extracting the username from a nested object in the response or doing other post processing.

What keys are available will depend on the scopes requested and the authenticator used.

username_map c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.username_map = Dict()#

Dictionary mapping authenticator usernames to JupyterHub users.

Primarily used to normalize OAuth user names to local users.

username_pattern c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.username_pattern = Unicode('')#

Regular expression pattern that all valid usernames must match.

If a username does not match the pattern specified here, authentication will not be attempted.

If not set, allow any username.

validate_server_cert c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.validate_server_cert = Bool(False)#

Determines if certificates are validated.

Only set this to False if you feel confident it will not be a security concern.

whitelist c.LocalAzureAdOAuthenticator.whitelist = Set()#

Deprecated, use Authenticator.allowed_users