Upgrading CILogonOAuthenticator to version 15.0

Upgrading CILogonOAuthenticator to version 15.0#

OAuthenticator release of 15.0 version introduced some breaking changes for the CILogonOAuthenticator. This is a description of what breaking changes have been made and a step by step guide on how to update your JupyterHub CILogonOAuthenticator to this version.

The following configurations have been deprecated starting with oauthenticator 15.0

  1. idp -> replaced

    The idp config refers to the SAML Entity ID of the user’s selected identity provider and prior to 15.0 was used to set the CILogon selected_idp optional authorization parameter in order to show only this identity provider in the CILogon IdP list.

    Starting with oauthenticator 15.0, this config has been renamed to shown_idps and must now be a list of such SAML Entity IDs. Only the identity providers in this list will be shown in the CILogon IDP list, with the first one being considered the default.

    Old config Example

    c.CILogonOAuthenticator.idp = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth"

    New config Example

    c.CILogonOAuthenticator.shown_idps = ["https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth"]
  2. strip_idp_domain -> removed

    The strip_idp_domain boolean config was previously used to enable stripping the domains listed in the allowed_idps from the hub usernames. In oauthenticator 15.0 this config option was removed and such behaviour can only be achieved using the allowed_idps dictionary config as documented in a section below.

    Old config Example

    c.CILogonOAuthenticator.username_claim = "email"
    c.CILogonOAuthenticator.allowed_idps = ["uni.edu"]
    c.CILogonOAuthenticator.strip_idp_domain = True

    New config Example

    c.CILogonOAuthenticator.allowed_idps = {
        'https://uni-idp.com/login/oauth/authorize': {
            'username_derivation': {
                'username_claim': 'email',
                'action': 'strip_idp_domain',
                'domain': 'uni.edu',


    If allowed_idps is used to contain more than one entry, then check the section below to find out how to also use username prefixes to avoid username clashes.

  3. allowed_idps -> changed type

    The allowed_idps config was used prior to oauthenticator version 15.0 to only allow access into the hub to usernames containing only these domains, after the @ sign. If strip_idp_domain was enabled, these domains would have been stripped from the hub username.

    Starting with oauthenticator 15.0 this config option must now be a dictionary structured like below. More information about each configuration option that can go into the username_derivation can be found in the allowed_idps docstring.

    Stripping the domain from one IDP username, adding prefixes to another and leaving other unchanged

    c.CILogonOAuthenticator.allowed_idps = {
        'https://some-idp.com/login/oauth/authorize': {
            'username_derivation': {
                'username_claim': 'email',
                'action': 'strip_idp_domain',
                'domain': 'uni.edu',
        'https://another-idp.com/login/oauth/authorize': {
            'username_derivation': {
                'username_claim': 'nickname',
                'action': 'prefix',
                'prefix': 'idp',
        'https://yet-another-idp.com/login/oauth/authorize': {
            'username_derivation': {
                'username_claim': 'nickname',

    This config translates into:

    • if you login using a some-idp provider, the hub username will be the email registered for that IdP, from which the domain uni.edu will be stripped (assuming this is domain in the email provided by some-idp).

    • if you login using another-idp the hub username will be your another-idp provided nickname claim, username prefixed with idp:. This way, users from different identity providers can log in without username clashes.

    • if you login using yet-another-idp, then the username will be left unchanged, i.e. the value corresponding to the username_claim.


    If allowed_idps is specified, then each IdP in the dict must define the username_derivation dict, including username_derivation.username_claim. CILogonOAuthenticator.username_claim will only be used if allowed_idps is not specified!