Writing your own OAuthenticator#
There are two ways to write your own OAuthenticator.
Using GenericOAuthenticator#
Before writing your own config, Generic OAuthenticator setups for various identity providers may already have an example for your service.
The first and simplest is to use the oauthenticator.generic.GenericOAuthenticator
and configuration to set the necessary configuration variables.
Example config:
c.JupyterHub.authenticator_class = "generic-oauth"
c.GenericOAuthenticator.oauth_callback_url = 'https://{host}/hub/oauth_callback'
c.GenericOAuthenticator.client_id = 'OAUTH-CLIENT-ID'
c.GenericOAuthenticator.client_secret = 'OAUTH-CLIENT-SECRET-KEY'
c.GenericOAuthenticator.login_service = 'name-of-service-provider'
c.GenericOAuthenticator.userdata_url = 'url-retrieving-user-data-with-access-token'
c.GenericOAuthenticator.token_url = 'url-retrieving-access-token-oauth-completion'
c.GenericOAuthenticator.username_claim = 'username-key-for-USERDATA-URL'
Writing your own OAuthenticator class#
If you want more advanced features and customization beyond the basics of OAuth, you can write your own full OAuthenticator subclass, which enables more detailed customization login and logout actions.
The skeleton of an OAuthenticator looks like this:
Example OAuthenticator to use with My Service
from jupyterhub.auth import LocalAuthenticator
from oauthenticator.oauth2 import OAuthenticator, OAuthLoginHandler
class MyServiceLoginHandler(OAuthLoginHandler):
class MyServiceOAuthenticator(OAuthenticator):
# login_service is the text displayed on the "Login with..." button
login_service = "My Service"
login_handler = MyServiceLoginHandler
# the URL users are redirected to logout
logout_redirect_url = "https://myservice.biz/logout"
# the URL users are redirected to authorize your service
authorize_url = "https://myservice.biz/login/oauth/authorize"
# the URL JupyterHub accesses to finish the OAuth process
token_url = "https://myservice.biz/login/oauth/access_token"
# the URL for retrieving user data with a completed access token
userdata_url = "https://myservice.biz/login/oauth/userinfo"
# The name of the user key expected to be present in `auth_state`
# Ex: github_user, auth0_user, google user, etc.
# Defaults to oauth_user.
user_auth_state_key = "oauth_user"
# Build the parameters to be used in the request exchanging the OAuth code for the Access Token.
# params = {
# "code": code,
# "grant_type": "authorization_code",
# "redirect_uri": self.get_callback_url(handler),
# "data": data,
# }
# self.client_id and self.client_secret are also included in the params when self.basic_auth == False
# Only override this method if you'd like other params passed
# or if any additional processing of this params is needed.
def build_access_tokens_request_params(self, handler, data=None):
# Exchange the OAuth code for an Access Token.
# Only override this method if your Service needs additional services in place,
# in order to send the request (see `MWOAuthenticator``)
# or you'd like additional processing of the HTTP status codes.
async def get_token_info(self, handler, params):
# Use the access_token to get userdata info.
# Determine who the logged in user is
# by using the new access token to make a request to self.userdata_url
# check with your OAuth provider for this URL.
# Only override this method if your Service needs additional services in place,
# in order to send the request (see `MWOAuthenticator``)
# or you'd like additional processing of the HTTP status codes.
async def token_to_user(self, token_info):
# Extract the username out of the user_info dict.
# Gets the self.username_claim key's value from the user_info dictionary.
# This will be the JupyterHub username.
# Should be overridden by the authenticators for which the hub username cannot
# be extracted this way and needs extra processing.
def user_info_to_username(self, user_info):
# We can also persist auth state, which is information encrypted in the Jupyter database
# and can be passed to the Spawner for e.g. authenticated data access/
# Builds the `auth_state` dict that will be returned by a successful `authenticate` method call.
# Returns:
# auth_state: a dictionary of auth state that should be persisted with the following keys:
# - "access_token": the access_token
# - "refresh_token": the refresh_token, if available
# - "id_token": the id_token, if available
# - "scope": the scopes, if available
# - "token_response": the full token_info response
# - self.user_auth_state_key: the full user_info response
# Override this if you want more or less information to be returned after a successful `authenticate` method call.
# These fields are up to you, and not interpreted by JupyterHub. See Authenticator.pre_spawn_start for how to use this information
def build_auth_state_dict(self, token_info, user_info):
# Updates `auth_model` dict if any fields have changed or additional information is available
# or returns the unchanged `auth_model`.
# Returns the model unchanged by default.
# Should be overridden to take into account additional checks such as against group/admin/team membership.
# if the OAuth provider has such a concept
async def update_auth_model(self, username, auth_model):
class LocalMyServiceOAuthenticator(LocalAuthenticator, MyServiceOAuthenticator):
"""A version that mixes in local system user creation"""
where you will need to find and define the URLs and requests necessary to complete OAuth with your provider.
For a visual of the requests and information exchanged during the JupyterHub’s external OAuthentication process, checkout the diagram below and also the JupyterHub docs.